[align=center][b][i]-- Start Of Confession --[/i][/b][/align]
[spoiler][sup][b]Grr i dun get why [sup] dont work if u have a space [enter]

[sup][b]Im really getting tired of being a whiz..i wana be an elite now

, i think ive posted this alredi in my past confession,,lulz,,sorry or that..I hope no one will take notice at it

[sup][b]Bwahahah i had fun with the game we played in teh confe and in the class..its FUN!

,, i won 1 time..and its a technical win..lulz!If it wasnt for my GF, i wudnt win..and my BF keeps on winning

, he had 4 wins

, dang his net

,, and damn mine too

,,good thing he became the leader,,but still i didnt win..so really damn my net

[sup][b]Grr its starting agen..hays i think why luck changes weekly..liek a whole week im just freakinglishly happy and everything is right..and suddenly, on the next week, its liek everything is wrong, confusing, not right..problems are suddenly showing agen..i dunno..hahays!

..grr my luck changes every week, alternately!!!, am i the only one liek that?[/b][/sup]
[sup][b]waaaa lulz i think my screen name is starting to get to me..im being a real lunatic

[sup][b]I confess i think i need to do a 30 min wallbash

[sup][b]Im getting adicted to "lulz",,its funny and annoying at the same time[/b][/sup][/spoiler]
[align=center][b][i]-- End Of Confession --[/i][/b][/align]
*edited: raised my spoiler..lulz!
Last edited by --pUshnIt08-- (2008-08-24 05:25:27)