[b]I confess[/b] I'm obsessed with [b]Twilight[/b], I've been reading it for only one day, and I've realized I read [b]350[/b] pages already
I heard they're going to release a movie, to be shown this November, I'm more than excited. 3 months is definitely long, but I guess it's worth the wait.
[b]I confess[/b] I'm too lazy to go to school tomorrow. Quite ironic, I half-remembered what I've said before, [i]I love college[/i]. However, deadlines terrify me -- and make me cram. Now I don't want to go to school like the majority.
[b]I confess[/b] I have great potentials on being crazy. This always happens when I get too hooked with a good book.
[b]I confess[/b] I have a crush on a fictional character. It's a part of my insanity.
[b]I confess[/b] I don't want to be a writer anymore. Part of me still wants to, but I might pursue because it's my hobby and probably one of my best interests. I'll do it for fun, not for a living. I'd still go for my first choice, which is business. I remain undecided now whether to shift or not. Being an English major doesn't appeal much to me anymore.
[b]I confess[/b] I'd be really happy if you visit my blog and check out some of my posts. Probably just another set of rants you'll see, just well-written. Haha, talk about advertising.
[b]I confess[/b] I have so many things to confess but this is becoming so strange for me.
[b]I confess[/b] I don't miss him at all. I sure hope this doesn't have something to do with the fictional character
that would relentlessly prove I'm crazy.
[b]I confess[/b] I have no lovelife, and I choose not to have one. I want to stay this way. Involve the crushing on [i]fictional characters part[/i]
[b]I confess[/b] I'll have more lunatic confessions next time. By that time, I'd be inside the mental hospital. (Is there available internet access there?)
[b]I confess[/b] I'm not crazy at all. I just tried to be... I wanted to show the half-wit in me. Apparently, it didn't turn out right. But I won't take back the crushing on a fictional character part, it's true. Geeez, I mentioned it so many times I got sick of it
Okay, I have to stop myself now
A big round of applause for the person who read this
Last edited by deathsiren (2008-08-18 09:00:46)