[align=center][b]-- Start Of Confession --[/b][/align]
[spoiler][sup][b]LOL, sumone shud realize sumthing now..and confront the other one about it..before it gets anymore uhm frizzy

,,hey dude, it wont help with wat ur doin right now, so get ur act up and speak up bro..if shes not that clear enuf..find a girl fit for u!

[sup][b]Im totally blank out..hays..I confess, i envy [technically not] all the girls i see on teh street

, well not all..except for grandmas, uhm manangs and other old girls


, thats one secret i wont tell

[sup][b]Im freakingly happy now with wat is happening tho if others wud see it, it wud be just totally O.o WTF!? with wat we are doin/sayin to each other

[its not wat u green people think

]..lulz..that wont happen to me

[sup][b]I confess, im diggin listening to the radio now,tho random songs are playing right now..i dunno, i got sick wif my playlist and i need to go look for new lulz[/b][/sup]
[sup][b]I got the exp "lulz" from my mareh...she says that sometimes when shes kinda pissed

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