i wunna cunpes

:idea: yeah.. it's now 8:56.. minutes to go be4 i sleep.
:idea: i guess he makes me crazy... and now my lyf is a mess wid him

:idea: that i should put a period between us...
:idea: ^ this post dun mean that we hav commitment. i mean [i]put a period on wat feeling i hav on him.[/i]
:idea: that i wunna hav sum sad song?

can sum1 giv me
:idea: that i labb my new username

:idea: that i wunna know the truth... tenx on my bessys coz they'll investigate it.
:idea: that i pray my quizzes & recitation goes smoothly and find tomorrow.
:idea: that sum of my confession here is full of pain;sumtimes happiness
:idea: that im too glad that this thread is made. coz hir i can share my feelings on the outside world.