[quote=As cicatrizes]1. like sis nik., me also hab no more money.,hehahaha., i hope il get my salary next week so that i can buy tokio hotel shirt.,[/quote]
wakakaness.. we will b poor someday(much poorer than now

[quote=Nahz.Is.Fab]*I was shocked when I saw -NiK-'s new haircut.

haha siz...

as wat as i expected, evry friends of mine will b s-h-o-c-k-e-d
i cunpess

i'll b out on a few minutes.

that i wunna buy that korean dictionary and study it!

that moi book collection doesn't increases

ow mi gad! can sumone giv me money so i can buy TPGS???

that moi haircut is same as [b]han ga in'[/b]s haircut in [b]witch yoo hee[/b]. big fact eh...

that.. haha i'm very happy.. that i'm laughing until now even eim listening 2 luv songs.

that i lurb loveholic. u rock girrrrrrrrrrl!!!!!!!!!

that i dun wanna sleep. i wanna watch koreanovelas on mysoju.