[quote=joebz]I confess I miss FriendsterTalk and Class-S so bad! T_T[/quote]
[quote=bratinela01]I confess i effin miss u all especially ftalk and my class-s family

we miss you suuuuuu much

[b]i confess..[/b]

im uber happy with the results of my tests. at last i can see light in my path lol

our semi-final exam is over. we had our exam this morning and im so glad coz my sleepless nights paid off .. whew

that im goin to watch the cheerdance competition this afternoon. GO GO PYTHONS!

that i still hate the 3 layered spoilers. amf dont abuse teh spoilers!!

that i am extremely disappointed. someone "famous" is copying teh codes here in ftalk and posting it in "other" forum without giving credits lulwutz

that i posted my latest layout in the layout [css] thread last night.

our net lab is

they filtered tinypic but not photobucket. wtefh?!

i loev the new sig my baby made foe me.
Last edited by ducheszv (2008-09-12 22:35:46)