[b]I Confess[/b]:
[spoiler]— Taht I really want to download Photoshop CS3, cause mine is just CS and it's hard for me to use teh PS together wif Image ready.

**Hays- hope someone would give me an installer for it.

Anyways~ It's just oh-keks por moi to use teh CS, but teh problem is taht I can't make animations cause it's too hard por moi. LOL- But I'll try making animated graphics. ((;
— Taht I was shocked today.

**Woot- Most of my classmates kept asking why was I absent yesterday.

It's really unusual taht my classmates would be worried & curious about whut happened to me. Huwee~ i thought they didn't care about moi. Hays- hope they'll be liek taht forever. Heehee,

;P No really. Now~ I <3 them so much. No kid~

Then most of my classmates said taht (my classmate who really really crush me) he kept protecting my properties

when I wasn't around & he paid teh money needing from me

. Awww- how could I ever repay him, he's so sweet. I wish I could repay him for being sweet.

LOL- but I'm not thinking about having a big relationship wif im, ei? Heehee, sorry about taht, I just don't want anyone to break/torture my heart. Wakokoko- if taht was even possible.

— Taht I saw him (my crushie (?)) & hir GF again today

& they were really really sweet together. Awts- it hurts so bad.

I felt liek crying when I just passed by them. **Hays- I kept getting stabbed/shot at teh heart by him (?).

& Now, I heard a news from my besplen (boy) taht my crushie (?) is their new bandmate. O_O I was so shocked. I didn't know taht he joined another band, he was in my/our band but now in another one. I'm so confused if he has two bands or he quitted our band & joined another one. Arrg- but I have a feeling taht he quitted our band. Awts- why is this happening?!
— Taht I really want to [b]change[/b] myself. Character, physical, mental, emotional, psychological, social, etc. LOL- because I feel liek most/some members are [s]disappointed/angry[/s] about me. Hays- I'm ashamed of myself. I really can't handle this. W8- this girl is currently under construction! X3
