[b]I confess...[/b]
[spoiler]... taht my cousin's wedding was finally finish. Last Friday, we do teh celebration in teh Hotel wif teh guest, and some of our relatives. I didn't [b]enjoy[/b] our stay their for my father didn't allow me to use/bring my laptop wif miie. DAMN. Aww ;3 Boredom kills miie there. I just watch.eat.sleep.swim. and etc etc. I mean- i would enjoy it if my laptop is wif miie.

Im really tired. I really want to take a loong rest [b]BUT[/b] i have something to do. O_O Its ok. I feel moar better now. =] Today- we will just stay at teh house. Yay. XD
... taht we must go back to qatar ASAP- i have to compete for teh Scrabble Competition, since im teh last years champion. I told my parents about it and they were just OK. They say- we can go back in qatar next Friday.

Im soo excited. I wanna see again my BFriends. =p I really miss them after a 1 month vacation here.

We'll be planning for a skating competition in teh intramurals this coming last week of september. I hope it would be granted by teh Principal so we can have one. XD Taht might be teh [b]BEESSTT[/b] intams ever.

Imma Join there.
... taht imma greet a belated happy birthday sista Andrea. Idunno when is her real birthday. Gommen T^T. But anyway~ im planning to give her a small gift.

Hope she'll liek it even tho- its quite FUGLY =]
... taht last September 12- its our FRIENDS MONTHSARY. XP Too bad im not there to enjoy teh FUN and LAUGHTER though- we plan to go at Aladdin's Kingdom on September 30 or 29.
Yay~ :3 I looevv them all

Quite FEW but [b]TRUE[/b].
... taht im getting irritated wif those people who keep on sending PM's. I mean- WTF?

Is it mandatory to know everyone's YM and add them one by one. Haha.

... taht im loovin' my Kaka. XD I enjoy talking to her.

We always talk in Friendster thru Comments.

ILY. =]
... taht i'm still waiting for teh Twilight Movie to be launch. :3 Im geetting excited.
