I confess...
[color=red]/!\ It's our 1st monthsary with my baby cklarcky.
/!\ My body is aching and its almost 2 days!

/!\ That i mistakenly drank sleeping pills instead of alaxan last night!

/!\ Since saturday,i've been recieving around 400+ msgs per day!

/!\ When i woke up this morning,I saw my phone having 63 missed calls..dang!
/!\ I congratulate eehjhay for his new baby boy.

/!\ I also want to have a son as my first baby.
/!\ I want to share my chocolates to [b]losher29 ang bles_212000[/b].
/!\ I havent eat my lunch yet.
/!\ Im so uber irritated when my mom woke me up just to clean the house!

/!\ I'll call someone after this!

Last edited by i i LeA i i (2008-09-15 01:27:18)