i wunna confess

haha em happy on this minute.. hahahahahaha i've open his fs! omigawd! and one of his f.friends is mee

haha that im now a [i]kontrabida[/i]

she looks at me wid an eyes of evil!

as i hold moi crush's wrist. hope she's jealous that tym( she is really lukx jealous wen i did that!


that moi friends are coming now.. 3pm

they'll just waste moi tym bcoz of te biology report.

that i featured him on moi fs liek he did 2 mee

that i'm wrong wen i said that [i]"asan c arthur?"[/i] wish i have said is "o cge bubukxan qu ung fs acc mu mamaya... cge babay kuya ^.^ (wid a soft pat on his tummy)