i confess that...
[spoiler]idk what shud i du. that fighting was crazee and i gonna be in neutral part

i found new crushie at this eptok

he's good looking, even thought im not close with him.

i wanna tell my ex-crush (WTF

) "goodluck with everything. i hope eu can handle yer problem with some member ther.
i know eu can do it

i'll help eu if eu need me. even i wont be that close again with eu.

[s]ILY[/s] IMY always :*

eu know who eu are ( or no?

) so no need to mention any name

i LOL'D at what happend at labteam thread

stop it naaa.
weirdo. love is blind

im sick agen

and lil bit tired tudei.
i also LOL'D seeing sum thread and sum cute fightin sigg ther


i confess that tunie -- teh meanie tunie -- was ....

he's suu meanie

also, im bored became teh one who single in my friends -- here or in real world --

i cant go eberywhere since nobody wanna go with me. tsk tsk.
im crazeee now. ahahaha

at lasstt... i loeeeev my siggy. sankyoo ceejay

i dunn see it. amf. but its cuteee. pinky --

-- but it have a frog! weeee

Last edited by Linniie (2008-12-29 02:14:49)