I Confess..
[spoiler]- I Was Shocked when i know someone leave Rockstars [b]again[/b]..

- I'm kinda touched when i read some post of Rockmates..

- I Read some old post in Rockstar, when kuya Jie, sis Bel, bro Jesse, kak Eney- [i] some popular and legend member's [/i] still stay There.. I Wish i could be there in Old time..

- How i wish too make Rockstars alive again..

- Rockstars is fall down right now, but i don't care, i still want 2 stay there, even though honestly i have a little plan 2 left them..

- I'm change ma Plan, i'll not left them, but i'll leave cyber world soon.. I Need a long rest..

- I'm so bored Now.. Nobody care me! So, why i still stay be here?

Last edited by setsunacha (2008-12-30 03:13:28)