• » On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

dats the point! to make contest more difficult & challanging! you must be physically mentally & emotionally ready to join this contest! to earn Fame & Rank you must be like those indie film directors & ECT! come to think about it, FTALK has so many Talents! rmmbr the forum where talents meet! :lol: hahahahaha... this is the best way to test FTALKERS talents! :lol: to make FTALK more better! better than any other forums! We might not now! there are alot of Film Makers Roaming here & those soon to be develop Film Directing Talents! ahahaha :lol: just a short flick wont hurt any one! :lol: i was amazed on this videos FTALKERs made for FTALK simple yet presentable! ahahah here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_asf4DQRe8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikfxNMG3l4M&feature=related but it would be better if the Video is FTALK Base! with speciall Effects! ahahahahah.... or animated characters! hopefully i can do one Video to show you! but sad to say im so busy with in this week & next week! awts Finals! :lol: but ill try to adjust! :eh: we might attract a lot of Flicker Makers, directors on this forum, hollywood & Local! then sooner admin will open a YouTube Section! :lol: ahahahah come to think about it! :eh:

Last edited by karuro72002 (2008-03-10 05:54:54)

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

^ow. i'm an indie film maker. cool contest suggestion tarlow, soo great! i'm really excited on what's to come! hehe.. hope that this will be approved! i watched the vid on youtube and it was realy cute, hehe, congrats to the hunk of september! hehehe! and to the tometo girls also, hihi.. aw. i'll support this contest!:D:thumbsup:
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

c00l secti0n! why d0n'y you guyz make a tweaKer making c0ntest? the winning one will be sticked to the fs tweakers... h0pe u like it..
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

oh yeh?! aheheh :lol: i wanna Join! but guess if it will be approved ill be the one hosting this contest! well its fine for me! ill just do the mechanics with you & i think ill creat a Video Sample! :eh:
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

^after our finals, i'll try to make one too. hehe. [spoiler]dami ko din kasi ine edit eh.[/spoiler]
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

^ahahah oh yeah?! ill do it after finals too! :eh: hopefully this contest will work & surely this will promote our forum! :eh:
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

^hmm.. can i suggest a contest/event? how about [b]'Most Popular Ftalk Member?'[/b] just ignore this post if this event have been done. :D
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

[quote=bembi]^hmm.. can i suggest a contest/event? how about [b]'Most Popular Ftalk Member?'[/b] just ignore this post if this event have been done. :D[/quote] i think its never been happen, but if its will do, how we can choose a member and what kind of contest is this?? i dunn understand :lol:
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

[quote=Linniie][quote=bembi]^hmm.. can i suggest a contest/event? how about [b]'Most Popular Ftalk Member?'[/b] just ignore this post if this event have been done. :D[/quote] i think its never been happen, but if its will do, how we can choose a member and what kind of contest is this?? i dunn understand :lol:[/quote] ^hmm.. yer right.. come to think of it.. it's kinda hard to choose who's gonna be our candidates.. since there are lot of members in here.. oh well.. i guess u just have to ignore my idea..:P:wallbash:
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

i hope only member will join! :lol: no Mods no Admin! :lol: joke! but i still go for FTALK Flick or FTALK film! :lol:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

[quote=Ephemeral][b]SUGGESTING TO OPEN A NEW CONTEST [/b]:exclaim: :exclaim: [b]Two Types of Contest.[/b] [b] :arrow: C.S.S. Based Profile Contest. :arrow: HTML/Overlay Based Contest.[/b] [b]Requirements: (Over All)[/b] [b]:arrow: Name Your Personal Layout. :arrow: Screen shot Link. (Not Image) 1024x768 Format. Include 5 Image Links Of Screen Shots. Less Than 5 is Ok. :arrow: Live Preview Link. :arrow: Codes Used Saved in a Notepad. :arrow: Friendster Copyrights Must Be Included not Excluded.[/b][b] :arrow: You Can Only Join One Section For Less Confusion Of Submissions. :arrow: You Can Only Enter One Layout In A Category. :arrow: The Winner Will Be Decided With The Accumulated Votes. :arrow: Those Who Break The Forum Rules While In Registering Can Be Disqualified Automatically Depending On Reason. :arrow: Register In This Format...[/b] [b]Example:[/b] [quote]Name of Layout: Undefined Category: C.S.S / Overlay Preview Of Layout Live: http://www.friendster.com/pageID.php [b]or[/b] http://h1.ripway.com/username/HTMLDOC.HTML Preview Of Layout Image: http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q279/username/Preview1.jpg http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q279/username/Preview2.jpg http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q279/username/Preview3.jpg http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q279/username/Preview4.jpg http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q279/username/Preview5.jpg Code: http://h1.ripway.com/username/NewTextDocument.txt[/quote] [b]Requirements: (CSS Section) :arrow: Friendster Logo or Footer Must Be Included in the layout. (You Can Exclude One Copy Right But Not All) :arrow: Only C.S.S. Commands are allowed. (No Scripts) :arrow: Layout must work in Internet Explorer and Fire Fox. :arrow: Original Layout. (Must Be Unique)[/b] [b]Requirements: (HTML/Overlayed Section :arrow: Auto Comments leads to instant disqualification. :arrow: Auto Friend Adder leads to instant disqualification. :arrow: Must Include Proper Credits. [/b] [b] Prize: :arrow: You Can Request For Your Own Personal Rank :arrow: Winning Layout Will Be Included In A Thread Called [i](Topic Sticked)[/i] Featured Layout Winners!. In C.S.S. Or Overlay (Depending On Category Winner.)[/b] [i]Event Will Be Moderated By admin, Ephemeral, FoRsAkEnKiD, aRies04991, kikay_girl and meng.o3[/i][/quote] wow! if thats the rule u gonna implement ephie, it will be a though one. =D how about the mods? are they allowed to join the contest or mods will be the judges. hehehe... :penguin:
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

^it depends upon the promoter of the contest if they will allow mods to join the contest and the promoter would also cjoose his/her desired judge for the contest, us mods will just help the promoter. hehe @karuro : i support you with that.:thumbsup: @bembi : hihi. that contest might be hard. :P
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

i hope promoters are the ones who Runs the Contest! cuz we Promote! :lol: hopefully my co-Promoter will approve the offer! =) or maybe will just be the silent judge! maybe one of Us! but for me, i would rather join the contest! :lol: Go FOR FTALK Flick or Film! :eh:
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

How about this suggestion: A 2-3 mins. video commercial for Friendstertalk. With the creator in the video. Talk about ftalk and stuff related to it. Then we can publicize it on Youtube so lots people will join/enter the site.
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

^yah! dat was my Idea! :lol: & i call it the FTALK flick or Film! :lol: its a short commercial about FTALK! and we will promote it on youtube! hopefully it will be featured on 1st Page of YOUTUBE! =) check the recent post of ours! :lol: on Page 2!

Last edited by karuro72002 (2008-03-16 20:18:31)

» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

^My apologies, I didn't see it coz I can't be bothered. Anyway that idea of ours will be a good idea. Hope this will be approved by admin. If its approved, I'll make my own one esp. me in the video so people can see what I really looked like. And also it needs to be in English so that all the members can understand it. [spoiler]para maiba naman, inde puro gfx, layout contest etc..[/spoiler] ^The spoiler is in tagalog btw.

Last edited by ' 'eMokIdD (2008-03-16 20:26:05)

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

yah bro! :lol: i thought of that before! to make things different! im waiting for admin's Reply or approval! takashi already approve it! ahehehe... maybe i will start the contest by summer! if ever approved! hopefully it will promote our forum! ill be giving a Video sample by summer together with sis takashi! :lol: both of us will post the Video at this thread! :lol: winners will recieve sum repus & awards with a Rank i think[i] Flicker Expert or Ftalk Director[/i]

Last edited by karuro72002 (2008-03-16 20:47:36)

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

^waaaah. i want that rank. hihi. but i don't want to be selfish, being a mod is enough. hehe. I'm soo excited for this. :D
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

^yeh?! i also Luv the title! :lol: i want dat rank badly! too bad! ill be the one, who will promote the Contest! :lol: its my Honor to start dat contest! ahmm... Takashi can you help me with this contest?! :lol: Contact Admin ok?! =)

Last edited by karuro72002 (2008-03-16 21:06:51)

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

^sure i will, hehe. i want this contest to start. hehe. BTW, i have a suggestion, here in the philippines, we have some indie film productions like "betsie wants to smoke" and "pull the string to stop" how about we have one for the contest? I think it would be great so that we can tell that it was for ftalk and made by an ftalk member, what do you think?:D like "an anti spammer" production. hehe. :lol:
  • » On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

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