About the video thingy on the drawing part.

I suggest just say[b] "We don't know how to"[/b], rather reactions that I do not have a camera. Did anybody research about this before complaining... [b]"I don't have a camera"[/b]

You do not need a camera or webcam to post a video in the [b]suggested[/b] contest. A screen recorder is needed not a camera. You can download those on the net for free.

Anyway please stop misunderstanding each other because it's causing quite an annoying fuss.
Besides as I said. [b]Suggested[/b] meaning a suggestion not an actual contest yet.. If you guys have problems then disregard it and post your own ideas rather than confusing yourselves.

In addition you do not need a camera in posting a drawing. You need a scanner for that. Just rent one on a common computer shop. Most shops have scanners anyway.

[quote=aljayizer]i agree with keeta!!!! a flash contest is interesting.....!!!!! fstalk has all the competion regards to a better web page improvement, the only contest that fstalk didnt have is a flash website competition... theres a lot of flash animator enthusiast and designers out there, why wouldnt we implement this contest?..... can anyone hear our suggestions?
a flash designs is also a part of a webpage development....[/quote]
This is a good suggestion but there's a big loop hole.
If I remembered correctly, there are only few who knows flash on this forum. Imagine a contest between 6 participants... or even 10. Is 10 participants even considered to be a valid number of contestants?

Besides why focus on flash when some still doesn't understand basic CSS, JS, PHP and HTML.
Last edited by Ephemeral (2008-09-10 03:56:08)