• » On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

As cicatrizes
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

[b]do not double post dear.^[/b] [quote=Ino Yamanaka]- Plentiest Post Contest[/quote] [b]yeah,how about the greatest spammer? and as the previous post said, the prize would be a lifetime banned status.[/b] [quote=Ino Yamanaka]- CSS Layout Contest[/quote] [b]we already have taht one.[/b] [quote=Ino Yamanaka]- Plentiest CSS Layout[/quote] [b]plentiest eh? lolz,you can just change the background op every layout you make., it will be nonsense.[/b] [quote=Ino Yamanaka]- Best Layout (CSS)[/quote] [b]isnt it the same with your second suggestion?[/b] [quote=Ino Yamanaka]- Best Layout (Overlay)[/quote] [b]guess we can have that one.[/b] [quote=Ino Yamanaka]- The Coolest Signature....[/quote] [b]the "signature master" title was already given.[/b]
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

uhm juz a suggestion a flash layout making contest
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

i agree with keeta!!!! a flash contest is interesting.....!!!!! fstalk has all the competion regards to a better web page improvement, the only contest that fstalk didnt have is a flash website competition... theres a lot of flash animator enthusiast and designers out there, why wouldnt we implement this contest?..... can anyone hear our suggestions? a flash designs is also a part of a webpage development....

Last edited by aljayizer (2008-09-07 08:51:20)

» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

@Yellow Flash, being lazy is not a concrete alibi hahaha:) Why should I need to say those things before answering it?! I do not believe that 99% have the ability to draw nicely and neat! Prove it that almost everybody can draw!! About video recording, I want you to be the one to record me while drawing to be more valid but no need anymore, besides you've said that you have trust on me hopefully!! Anyway, sorry I'm not satisfied to you answers :wallbash: ---- Topic: Layout contest using your drawings as crafts:) Accourding to Yellow Flash estimate, [quote="Yellow Flash"]Why this contest need those video stuffs?? because this is a must secure contest... for me its the Greatest contest if it will happen... WHY?? coz only few can make great layouts, but the ones who can Draw?? its countless... [b]maybe all ftalk members will join this if this will happen... Its not JUST you and me who can draw, there are too many...[/b][/quote]
Yellow Flash
» Banned
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo


Last edited by Yellow Flash (2009-03-18 20:56:49)

» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

Nyek you had already the final anwer without proving it! Do you really understand what I'm saying?! Kindly please read before claiming your final thoughts that everybody have the ability draw neat and nicely!! Topic: Layout contest using your drawings as crafts:)
Yellow Flash
» Banned
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo


Last edited by Yellow Flash (2009-03-18 20:57:03)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

[quote=ketah23]a flash layout making contest[/quote] [quote=aljayizer]a flash designs is also a part of a webpage development....[/quote] [b]they got a point guys! why dont we have flash design contest =)[/b] [i](ill just cheer them iup cause im not good at flash :lol: if thats a dance contest ill join =D)[/i]
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

Yellow Flash, geez how many times do I need to repeat before you will get my point?! Well nextime I will shorten so that you can understand it. Topic: Hopefully drawing contest will happen =|
Yellow Flash
» Banned
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo


Last edited by Yellow Flash (2009-03-18 20:57:16)

» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

[quote="Yellow Flash"]sigh* so what if 99% cant draw neat and nicely?? is it a loss?? hayzz... and.. is this related to my statement?? d*mn!!!! ur the one who really really REALLY dont understand what i am trying to say....[/quote] Definitely it's related to your statement. Just understand what you're talking and for the assurance that everybody will join in this contest. And always remember, members are increasing dramatically. Further answer for your stupid questions is your quote itself, read your statement below and understand. About 99% can't draw neat and nicely is the only you who are thinking on it. What a stupid question. [quote="Yellow Flash"]but the ones who can Draw?? its countless... [b]maybe all ftalk members will join this if this will happen... Its not JUST you and me who can draw, there are too many...[/b][/quote] [quote="Yellow Flash"]u concluded again without thinking.... Did I said "everybody can draw neat and nicely"... is there a "NEAT AND NICELY" in my statement??? when i wrote this... im not only pointing to those who can draw neat and nicely even i said that "few can make Great layouts but the ones who can draw??.. its countless"... its not that i am trying to say that all can draw neat and nicley... so dont think it in a wrong way... tsk3[/quote] Apparently it's not included in your statement, you've just stated it so very broad so read your statement below and understand it again and again. You don't even specify what your pointing out and thinking many times if everybody will join even they don't know how to draw neatly and nicely. My point was neatly and nicely... Indeed we're out off topic now. This argument was due to you're not elaborating your quote specifically. You're so [b]broad[/b] Topic: Any contest with video recording to be more organize it says...
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

About the video thingy on the drawing part. :lol: I suggest just say[b] "We don't know how to"[/b], rather reactions that I do not have a camera. Did anybody research about this before complaining... [b]"I don't have a camera"[/b] :lol: You do not need a camera or webcam to post a video in the [b]suggested[/b] contest. A screen recorder is needed not a camera. You can download those on the net for free. :lol: Anyway please stop misunderstanding each other because it's causing quite an annoying fuss. Besides as I said. [b]Suggested[/b] meaning a suggestion not an actual contest yet.. If you guys have problems then disregard it and post your own ideas rather than confusing yourselves. :penguin: In addition you do not need a camera in posting a drawing. You need a scanner for that. Just rent one on a common computer shop. Most shops have scanners anyway. :penguin: [quote=aljayizer]i agree with keeta!!!! a flash contest is interesting.....!!!!! fstalk has all the competion regards to a better web page improvement, the only contest that fstalk didnt have is a flash website competition... theres a lot of flash animator enthusiast and designers out there, why wouldnt we implement this contest?..... can anyone hear our suggestions? a flash designs is also a part of a webpage development....[/quote] This is a good suggestion but there's a big loop hole. If I remembered correctly, there are only few who knows flash on this forum. Imagine a contest between 6 participants... or even 10. Is 10 participants even considered to be a valid number of contestants? :penguin: Besides why focus on flash when some still doesn't understand basic CSS, JS, PHP and HTML.

Last edited by Ephemeral (2008-09-10 03:56:08)

» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

^ The point of worki'n' on PC using Phone Camera, Digi.Cam. or etc. is because to satisfy those [b]sceptic person[/b] and to be more valid on them. If that way is not yet valid on them, call them them and they will be the one to witness you. How wasted indeed... Topic: Any contest with video recording to be more organize as it says...
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

As I said... You do not need a camera to post a drawing you need a screen recorder. If the proof is the problem. There is this thing called water marking. :penguin: About the no camera thing excuse... You have a PC, you can use the internet. Possible you have a cellphone. You can't provide a camera? Even if cellphone these days are commonly has a built in camera? :penguin: I am not supporting anyone here but, I am trying to set this topic in order again or else it may be locked by somebody. :lol:

Last edited by Ephemeral (2008-09-10 04:17:55)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

[quote=Ephemeral]This is a good suggestion but there's a big loop hole. If I remembered correctly, there are only few who knows flash on this forum. Imagine a contest between 6 participants... or even 10. Is 10 participants even considered to be a valid number of contestants? :penguin: Besides why focus on flash when some still doesn't understand basic CSS, JS, PHP and HTML.[/quote] yeah,. i thought that this is a good idea also,. but me, myself dunno how to make one @T: drawing contest =)
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

Yes I understood it but those alternatives I said is to satisfy those [b]sceptic persons[/b]... Although you put your watermarks in your works, there are still some people who do not believe so what I want to pop-out is making a concrete proof elaborating on them. They will not loss anything if they trust in others. I'm on drawing contest:)
Yellow Flash
» Banned
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo


Last edited by Yellow Flash (2009-03-18 20:57:53)

» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

That suggestion is somewhat sceptic :lol: and Yellow Flash it's not your suggestion anyway, it's originated from mirhadz post #337 :P It started there :D Topic: Drawing contest.
As cicatrizes
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

[b]guys...please..no more misunderstandings...ukies? @T:dance contest.,it will serve as a breather here. hehe[/b]
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

Well, I was just wondering, if we could have a contest in FTalk for Story-making. I don't know if all of you will agree on this, but I noticed that the contests we hold are mostly for layouts and GFX. I thought we could give story-makers a chance. There are a lot of undiscovered talents in FTalk, so I thought that if this contest would happen, they might have the courage to show their talent in writing stories. :D
  • » On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

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