2008-09-10 03:39:57

» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

[quote="Yellow Flash"]sigh* so what if 99% cant draw neat and nicely?? is it a loss?? hayzz... and.. is this related to my statement?? d*mn!!!! ur the one who really really REALLY dont understand what i am trying to say....[/quote] Definitely it's related to your statement. Just understand what you're talking and for the assurance that everybody will join in this contest. And always remember, members are increasing dramatically. Further answer for your stupid questions is your quote itself, read your statement below and understand. About 99% can't draw neat and nicely is the only you who are thinking on it. What a stupid question. [quote="Yellow Flash"]but the ones who can Draw?? its countless... [b]maybe all ftalk members will join this if this will happen... Its not JUST you and me who can draw, there are too many...[/b][/quote] [quote="Yellow Flash"]u concluded again without thinking.... Did I said "everybody can draw neat and nicely"... is there a "NEAT AND NICELY" in my statement??? when i wrote this... im not only pointing to those who can draw neat and nicely even i said that "few can make Great layouts but the ones who can draw??.. its countless"... its not that i am trying to say that all can draw neat and nicley... so dont think it in a wrong way... tsk3[/quote] Apparently it's not included in your statement, you've just stated it so very broad so read your statement below and understand it again and again. You don't even specify what your pointing out and thinking many times if everybody will join even they don't know how to draw neatly and nicely. My point was neatly and nicely... Indeed we're out off topic now. This argument was due to you're not elaborating your quote specifically. You're so [b]broad[/b] Topic: Any contest with video recording to be more organize it says...

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