[quote=aljayizer]logically speaking: then why we provide some advance js tricks and tuts if some cannot understand basic HTML? we are providing tuts for learning ryt?
this forum is for the sake of learning purposes (a community for learning). we provide css and js codes, layouts etc. why we shouldnot provide basic html tut or other interesting stuffs for learning. "There are many ways to catch a fish" to innovate this forum. if we want something there are many ways to get it, otherwise we are not interested in gettin it.
as far as i concern, based on my observation
theres a lot of members here who wants to learn about animation or flash and other interesting stuffs, especially in gfx corner
I think this issue will not take a risk in this community besides it can improve this community and help other people gain more knowledge and develop there skills in animation[/quote]
Logically speaking... Flash is composed of Scripts (AS) not layered animation alone. As flash creator yourself, I think you know what I am getting at... Let us say friendsterTalk is coding resource site where you can learning basic JavaScript HTML. But think about what I have said earlier. As in think carefully before giving your observation because you only gave the seen facts not the hidden ups and downs. You didn't include all the sides on your suggestion.
Please don't say I am against your suggestion. It is far from that... Actually I wanna join.
Anyway, I am just bothered with your query regarding "the posting of interesting stuff" you mentioned...Why post complicated ideas and tutorials when others doesn't even get basic JavaScript. I am saying this due to experience due to the tons and tons of PM's I received everyday.

Besides if you're only talking about flash. You can just use photoshop and animate the image and save it as flash file through import. But in my perspective it's better to learn the essential of flash not animation skill alone.

I would like to suggest a contest regarding literature. The basis will be friendsterTalk, Christmas, fiction, love, friendship and sorrow (ice breaker).
The prize is a rank. I Will PM sir admin regarding this on Monday.
Last edited by Ephemeral (2008-09-12 11:29:59)