2008-09-12 20:52:03

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

[quote=Ephemeral]Logically speaking... Flash is composed of Scripts (AS) not layered animation alone. As flash creator yourself, I think you know what I am getting at... Let us say friendsterTalk is coding resource site where you can learning basic JavaScript HTML. But think about what I have said earlier. As in think carefully before giving your observation because you only gave the seen facts not the hidden ups and downs. You didn't include all the sides on your suggestion. Please don't say I am against your suggestion. It is far from that... Actually I wanna join. Anyway, I am just bothered with your query regarding "the posting of interesting stuff" you mentioned...Why post complicated ideas and tutorials when others doesn't even get basic JavaScript. I am saying this due to experience due to the tons and tons of PM's I received everyday. Besides if you're only talking about flash. You can just use photoshop and animate the image and save it as flash file through import. But in my perspective it's better to learn the essential of flash not animation skill alone.[/quote] What are the hidden ups and downs? obviously sure that some people will continue pm you for learning purposes because the real fact is there is always an excemption to the rule that not all people has the enough knowledge in that particular skills, and the fact that fstalk takes a lot of progress by continously increasing the rate of new mmbers (newbie ). what im trying to implemment is "continous learning" for those people that has lack of knowledge. we know that it is very hard to implemment this proposal, but we can do this if we work together, and having persistence and patient in doing it. sharing ideas and skills to others is also a great fullfilment. that was fstalk is all about. "Sharing". [b]FRIENDSTERTALK FORUM RE-ENGINEERING[/b] I understand your point its very hard to learn flash if some people didnt know the basic web codes. im a noob in flash before, i strive hard to learn and the best way to learn flash animation is by watching a video tutorial provided by youtube =) yah dude believe me it is very effective. sorry if i plugin other website, but like wat ive said there are many ways to make it.

Last edited by aljayizer (2008-09-12 21:37:47)

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