• » On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

Then, what would he or she use then? Pencil and Paper? The contest will be different or something if that's the case. I guess. ;) --^ ignore that. I think the others are expecting a graphic drawing contest. Well the contest ain't specified yet until now. It it'll be a graphic drawing contest or a pure drawn drawing contest. Get my point? :)

Last edited by takashi (2008-10-05 03:36:14)

As cicatrizes
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

[quote=takashi]Then, what would he or she use then? Pencil and Paper? The contest will be different or something if that's the case. I guess. ;)[/quote] [b]how then would it be different? the contestant will use sketchpad or paper.,or whatever medium.,can use paint,watercolor,pencil,charcoal pencil, colored pens.etc., just no photoshop.,no editing in PC.^_____________________^ if you want it photoshopped then change the title in photoshopped drawing contest.,wakekeke or "drawing enhanced by photoshop" contest . this is merely a suggestion and opinion.[/b] :D
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

^I'm sorry. hahaha! Just read the revised post above. I was confused. X3
As cicatrizes
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

[quote=takashi]I think the others are expecting a graphic drawing contest. Well the contest ain't specified yet until now. It it'll be a graphic drawing contest or a pure drawn drawing contest. Get my point?[/quote] [b]oh....well.,hmmm.,it's up to you guys., but for me.,il still prefer the old way.,^_______________^ pure handwork.,[/b]
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

Do you guys want me to run a poll for that upcoming contest? Just to see. :eh:
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

siz jeca :D i think it would be better if it be pure drawing contest w/o editing :D and okie then :D no photoshop allowed? :D wait :P i'll try to make teh rules and other things [hr][hr][hr] [spoiler]- Promoter: the one who start and responsible for the contest - Eligibility: who's allowed to become a contestant - Winner: who's the judge, how to decide the winner(s) - Prize: the prize for the winner - Rules: contest rules and guides - Participation: how to participate - Period: the registration and contest period of time[/spoiler] [hr] so far teh rules is: [spoiler]theme :arrow: related to friendstertalk dimension :arrow: between 300x300 px and 600x600 px (any idea for this one? or unlimited :lol: ) size :arrow: have no idea,up to u tool :arrow: u must draw it :lol: can by pencil,ballpen,spidol's,etc :lol: :arrow: can be colorfull or black&white :arrow: put ur watermark/© on it :arrow: be sure u're teh one who made it :idea: :arrow: no editing by photoshop (example adding effect :P ) :arrow: one pict/contestant :arrow: make a fansign :lol: i mean ur photo with teh pict :D so we sure that pict was made by u ;) [hr] judges : by poll and silent judges :D or how? *[sup] i have no idea :wasted: [/sup] prize : customized rank and +repu for 10 finalist :rolleyes:[/spoiler]

Last edited by Linniie (2008-10-05 03:51:22)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

@takashi yeah nice idea :thumbsup: but i also prefer te non photoshop drawing contest :D

Last edited by mirhadz (2008-10-05 03:47:09)

» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

^ yep i think soo :D coz if use photoshop, some expert can manipulate teh pict :D
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

^yup look like my drawing in art and design :lol:
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

^The rules are good. :) I made some adjustments. :lol: [hr] so far teh rules is: [spoiler]theme :arrow: related to friendstertalk dimension :arrow: between 300x300 px and 600x600 px (the given resolution is fine. 600x600 is the maximum.) size :arrow: [i]not exceeding 1.5 mb? [/i] tool :arrow: u must draw it :lol: can by pencil,ballpen,spidol's,etc :lol: :arrow: can be colorful or black&white :arrow: put ur watermark/© on it :arrow: be sure u're teh one who made it :idea: :arrow: whoever will be found guilty of plagiarism will be cursed, or better yet. banned. :arrow: no editing by photoshop (example adding effect :P ) :arrow: one pict/contestant :arrow: make a fansign :lol: i mean ur photo with teh pict :D so we sure that pict was made by u ;) :arrow: :idea: any rule violators will face a sum of punishments that depends on there violation. [hr] judges : by poll, silent judges, individual voters. :D prize : customized rank and +1 repu for 10 finalist :rolleyes: deadline : :question:[/spoiler] The italicized are not yet finalized, just tell if there are additional rules.
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

ahahaha ok :D deadline for teh registration :D :ninja: err fyi i didnt ask admin yet :D:redface::retard: siz jeca help meh please :P registration :D 10/10/08 (ukie?) - 10/11/08 :arrow: 1 month is enough? or too long? cause i think drawin need moar time rather than make it at pc (maek ava/sigg) [spoiler]- Promoter: me and siz jeca [sup] ok siz? :D [/sup] - Eligibility: all friendstertalk member (any rank) - Winner: judges : by poll, silent judges, individual voters. - Prize: customized rank ( for the winner ) +repu for 10 finalist - Rules: theme :arrow: related to friendstertalk dimension :arrow: between 300x300 px and 600x600 px (the given resolution is fine. 600x600 is the maximum.) tool :arrow: u must draw it :lol: can by pencil,ballpen,spidol's,etc :lol: :arrow: can be colorfull or black&white :arrow: put ur watermark/© on it :arrow: be sure u're teh one who made it :idea: :arrow: no editing by photoshop (example adding effect :P ) :arrow: one pict/contestant :arrow: make a fansign :lol: i mean ur photo with teh pict :D so we sure that pict was made by u ;) :arrow: :idea: any rule violators will face a sum of punishments that depends on there violation. - Participation: post ur entry [hr] [i]example[/i] title : friendstertalk [spoiler][img]url of image[/img][/spoiler] descripstion : - Period: registration : 10/10/08 - 10/11/08[/spoiler]
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

i want a contest for the best poem writer. he/she must make his/her own poem. isn't that great?
As cicatrizes
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

[quote=kikay-in-pink]i want a contest for the best poem writer. he/she must make his/her own poem. isn't that great?[/quote] [b]plagiarism dear.,that's the problem., it'l be hard to verify if it's original or not. wow.,y'all organized it so easy.,haha.,the drawing contest i mean.,good luck to all of you.^_________^[/b]
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

+ okay.. + now... + what will happen to the + "FriendsterTalk Idol"???
As cicatrizes
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

[quote=~~MoNaLiZzA~~]okay.. + now... + what will happen to the + "FriendsterTalk Idol"???[/quote] [b]this thread is a "suggestion" about a contest.it doesnt mean that whatever suggested here will be really done.,so...if there are lots of supporters of that contest.,i think it'l push through.,^__________^[/b]
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

@sis Linniie : 10/10/08 - 10/11/08 (DD/MM/YY) right? I PMed admin already dun worry. :) I'm just waiting for his reply. :D We're the promoter? Sounds good to mee. :) Let's be Strict on who's going to join sis. Newbies can't join or Cursed members can't join. What do yoou think? :smoke:
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

Siz jeca mm if newbie, i think not all expert was non-newbie ToT some newbie who juz active in art&design section had a great talent :D and yah,about cursed member, i agree =) yeha sankyo for pm-ing admin x] and i hope u can ask help from other mod to coordinate this contest :D
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

How about me do I have the authority to join?!
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

^ as contestant? of course ;) [spoiler]and ur artwork absolutly wonderfull :wow::P[/spoiler]
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

what about best profile ever? :D<~~~~~
  • » On this thread you can post your suggestions about new contests or events that you want to have. :cool: According to the Starting A Contest Guide, members have to ask permission to us Moderators befo

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