siz jeca

i think it would be better if it be pure drawing contest w/o editing

and okie then

no photoshop allowed?


i'll try to make teh rules and other things
[spoiler]- Promoter: the one who start and responsible for the contest
- Eligibility: who's allowed to become a contestant
- Winner: who's the judge, how to decide the winner(s)
- Prize: the prize for the winner
- Rules: contest rules and guides
- Participation: how to participate
- Period: the registration and contest period of time[/spoiler]
so far teh rules is:

related to friendstertalk

between 300x300 px and 600x600 px (any idea for this one? or unlimited


have no idea,up to u

u must draw it

can by pencil,ballpen,spidol's,etc

can be colorfull or black&white

put ur watermark/© on it

be sure u're teh one who made it :idea:

no editing by photoshop (example adding effect


one pict/contestant

make a fansign

i mean ur photo with teh pict

so we sure that pict was made by u
judges : by poll and silent judges

or how? *[sup] i have no idea

prize : customized rank and +repu for 10 finalist

Last edited by Linniie (2008-10-05 03:51:22)