2008-07-05 04:24:33

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

CRUSH LIST [updated added new crushes] [align=center][b]waa....tenxue berii mats for those who included me in their lists >>CRUSH LIST[gurlsz only!]:D[/b] [color=hotpink][b]•sisz tinay-great mod!olweiz helpful and friendly •sisz blanche-oh yeah..haha,former GT co-member!nice and friendly! •sisz lovelee-yeah,haha!chatmate!bespren! • sisz yna-bespren!i’m not able to see you anymore!nice friend! • sisz chelsey-nyaa..nice friend..skulmate!bespren!LOLs •sisz trixx-great gfx maker,nice friend •sisz lois-friendly mod!kind and helpful! •sisz duch-friendly,kind,olweiz helpful to other members •sisz elaine-long time no chat..xD •sisz phia-nyaa…nice friend! •sisz shy-imy,eventhough i don’t know you very much •sisz aina-great gfx maker!friendly and nice to other members •sisz joebz-kind and friendly,imy! •sisz aya-nice layout works! •sisz nela-nyaa,imy too,eventhough I don’t know you much •sisz yuna-elu..nice mod,friendly too…haha xD •sisz chariz-nice works!i adore her works!xD •sisz uma-cute,nice and friendly •sisz nelou-sometimes my chatmate LOLs •sisz faith-another great gfx maker! •sisz cheuw-friendly,kind,nice to other members! •sisz dianne-once my chatmate too,imy! sisz louiz-nice and friendly /*/love.ceii/*/-i see that see is friendly xD sisz joanna-kind and friendly to me and other members sisz tzaily[tricia]-waa..i never got to go to your house anymore sisz yanyan-nice and friendly i want to know her more sisz ross-same*i want to know her more sisz haru-nice gfx maker...avatar master! sisz nela-haha,i want to know her more..nice and friendly TO BE UPDATED[/b][/color] [/align]

Last edited by bheszt_09 (2008-07-05 04:52:36)

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