2008-07-06 07:05:06

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

my crushes: :ninja: [spoiler]gurlz: akuzet16(yen) - my real lyp besplen... my seahorse A.K.A poisonous_chiq16, my chicadorah sitah cutie_phunk(anj) - same ^ she' my besplen.. my saiduck A.K.A poisonous_doll, my chicadorah sitah siz ceii: my crux, she's friendly, kind, pwettie, lovely, ajaja.. my sistah m2m...... loveyah sissy siz gemandi: she's uber pwittie and friendly sis jhay: same^ sis eunich: my sistah.. loveyah sistah sis cheuw: my pwittie and kind sistah here. sis tinay: super friendly and also pwettie sistah kuh.. sis faith: kakaloka. sa ym sistah. i like her.. very much, labxyoo sistah sis eney: my super pwettie sis here. sis lea: my new friend.. labxyu sis. boys: bro rei ryuzaki bro bob bro hoshi. [/spoiler]

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