[color=#999999][b]I Confess[/b]:[/color]
[quote][color=#999999]• I'm so paranoid now, knowing that he [s]lieks[/s] loevs that girl. Huhuhu, I'm so so sad & jelous, to admit it, I'm really jelous. He doesn't know how this feels to loev someone who loevs someone else. Ouch~ It really hurts me & makes my heart burn. I can't stop thinking about it.
• I'm trying to regret the day I met him! Just when I met him, it's liek all the problems in the world rushed to me. I think that he's the reason why my life is with too much misery & sorrow. T_____T
• Arrg~ I have a lot of things to do in school! Bulletin board, assignments, projects, group works, quizzes, activities, competitions, etc. Total torture. For me, I'd rather die than to do those stuffs in suffer & pain. LOL, XD
• I'm missing ftalk. Sowee for being inactive these days. LOL, so busy everyday! Huhuhu, the pain! XP[/color][/quote]