2008-08-05 10:08:07

» FTalkFreak
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Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

^ smile. :D I confess... [spoiler] • I’m on muy [i]emo[/i]tional mode right now and I don’t know when these will end. The guy I like/[b]d[/b], told me awhile ago that she is falling in love… with [u]someone else[/u]. And he’s asking for my advices on how to court the girl. Gad, I don’t know what to say, if only I can see muy reaction that moment, I think I’m going to LOL/COL [[i]cry out loud[/i]]. One more thing, he borrowed muy phone just to text that girl. I thought he deleted the sent messages [as he always does whenever he uses my phone]. Ironically, the outgoing message is still saved. It says. [i]“blahblahlablablabagag$*%*% ” [/i]– nah. I can’t. It still hurts. I just realize I still didn’t learn muy lesson yet. [i]Expectations[/i] give me only [i]transient contentment [/i]and later on will be the source of my mourning. =( • My grade in [i]statistics[/i] is better than the other math subjects. I didn’t expect it. Oh see, if you [i]don’t expect [/i]the outcome will be more appreciative. I don’t know why, I’m sorry I’m not good in explaining. But from now on, I promise that I won’t expect much so I won’t get hurt desperately. WORD OF THE DAY: [b]expect.[/b] • I just had muy [i]most embarrassing [/i]moment at the school, bwaha. Muy friends & muy dad laughed when they hear muy earth-shattering [i]shining moment[/i]. Hekhek! At the hall, I am having fun teasing muy block mate not knowing that [i]I should[/i] step on the stair. I still clearly remember that I was so poise that time when suddenly boogggoosshh~~. I accidentally clout in the hall and the guy that I’m teasing was the first one to [i]cackle[/i]. Ergh. The students were giggling as if I’m not hearing them. I just stood up and said, "[i]Thanks for watching the show![/i]" Deh honestly, my right foot is injured. & we will be having our PE class tomorrow, I don’t know if I can play. *sigh* • Last confession, I wunna thank you for reading. :) [/spoiler] so far my longest/[i]senseless?[/i] confession. :wallbash:

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