2008-09-27 07:20:20

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

mii crush [updated :lol: ] gals :rose: [spoiler]sisz Tinay- very kind sisz ILY sisz Bel- she's very nice to me sisz Eney- my beautiful sisz, she's kind sisz Ninafaye- i loev her gfx sisz Nahz- she's a kind friend sisz Yna- my very kind, kyut friend! ILY&IMY :kiss: sisz Joanna [brains&beauty] - i loev her gfx and she's uber kind sisz Angeli- she is so kind and she helps me wif my blog <3 sisz Anne- she's so artistic! i loev her works! layouts and gfx! <3 sisz Eleena- my very cute friend sisz Blanche- she's nice to me Jerriedee- a very kind friend of mine Forsakendoll- she's my idol! i rili loev her lays! :wow: Linniie- she's also good n gfx! also kind! Gengskie- my uber kind sisztah! swit.SERENITY♥- she's nice to me sugarstyx_x- i leik her gfx and also her lays! she's also kind! <3 Nayze/Donna- i miss her so mush~! cheuw- i miss her too imdemoprincess- she's nice ! :D 'AphrOdiTe'- :D[/spoiler] Boys :cool: [spoiler]Kuya Guile :P - i leik him.. he's kind! Bro Rei- i miss him jieduck- my kind rockmate, and my dear bro from mars :lol: nanix84- he's nice to me Yellowflash- a good friend of mine Kaygee :3 -me new friend :P christian- such a nice/kind friend of mine[/spoiler] And all of my Rockmates \m/ :kiss:

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