[spoiler]- I enjoyed TS confe even though i only stayed for a while
- I enjoyed singing haha. ^^ when ate faith invited me for another confe. (only the three of us e.g., Ate Faith, Ate tinay, me)
- I wanted to have another TS conference
- I wanted to sing Thunder even though i only know the lyrics haha. ^^,
- I enjoyed my Classmate's Birthday Bash, we had water guns haha. ^^. It's so enjoyable haha. What a memorable experience.
- Everyone's still awake here. haha
- I miss [i]toot-toot-toot-[/i] haha.
- It's so noisy here. Err, they're watching movies. haha.
- I wanted my owange(tinay) to call here, in our house, haha ^^
- I'm pissed off because of Globe, No Unyt - No Unli. >.<[/spoiler]