2008-02-22 01:59:26

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]First of all, please familiarize yourself with all the codes & take note of the difference between css & js.[/b] The topic here is about compiling js so don't be asking about css considered only if

i too exprienced it...those double boxes mostly conflicts when you compile your js in the wrong method... have you check those FUNCTIONS, check marsfiller's thread for instructions?sometimes some people have more than 1 functions(with same name) that conflicts the js... here's my tip to other people on compiling your js to avoid those double boxes.... 1. you must have 1 (only 1) linker on your friendster, i you add another linker on your profile, a occurance will happen like those double boxes or worse, it will not load your js..... 2. convert your .JS file to .TXT coz friendster will filter all codes ending with a .JS...old linker who still use .JS are safe as long that you only edit your .JS file on your host site.(e.g. Ripway). Do not i repeat, do not edit the linker on your friendster profile during friendster update coz it will next time the linker code will not work... but some instance even thou your not doin anything on the linker, if you add some thing on the media box for example (imeem, youtube etc.) friendster will automatically filter the codes, this is not by accident but a human error. 3. only 1 existing onload handler must exist on all .JS, if you got more than that. your js will not load. 4. only 1 functions code must exist in every JS you insert, but if you got more than that, you must rename the other functions so it will not conflict with the other JS codes. 5. add applications 1 at a time using add box then check if it works. if a certain js wont work then remove it.

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