2008-06-03 14:05:40

» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: It seems that posts in other topics in this section are off-topics so I created this thread. We can talk about anything here. Anything which are not related to other topics in this section. Talk abo

[b]Ephe[/b] Try lipo? Lol only joking. Do jogging every morning. Or stand up whenever you eat so the food will go down and get digested quickly. Anyway high way, I heard from TV Patrol about a man pulled out a 3 years old girl's left eye :puke: . That's disgusting and I'm so sorry for the young girl. They said that the man became crazy and out of his mind bcos his girlfriend broke up with him. [b]James[/b] I never meant it that way. I meant to say it as a joke people might have mis-interpret me. It's their fault anyway cos they're not reading what the thread is all about. They just can't handle bad opinion or comments about them. They need to learn how to take criticism. I know that [b]Tanga[/b] is an offensive word to people who can't understand a simple thing, some people found it as a joke. What other word(s) I can replace it with? Bobo/Boba, Stupido/Stupida, Idioto/Idiota, Sira-Ulo/Sira-Ula? They're all the same so I don't really have a choice. Role model to them? I already tried my best :D About Karuro, I never said anything bad to him or would hurt him inside [b]Friendstertalk[/b]. In [b]YM[/b], Yes I did. I'm just being honest. Honesty is still the best policy. Ha! :lol: I know I'm a mod. Be a role model for them etc. But come to think of it. We're like their parents. And what are parents do if you done something wrong? They lightly hit/spank/whip us. Why? To don't do the mistake again. It's the same thing that I did to them, but obviously I can't hit them. I use word(s) instead. At least words doesn't hurt that much unlike hits/spank from our parents/guardians. Doesn't it? I also need to come out of my shell, as they all know I'm a goody goody mod cos I don't normally get mad to them. I need to show them who am really am. They can't just always expect me to say good comments and just ignore their mistakes and act like I'm not interested on the mistakes they've done. [b] Yuna[/b] Thanks for the vote. Someone just referred me to that website. My friend request is now on 30 since I joined the day before yesterday. I was shocked. I haven't accepted any of them lol. Try to join and if they think you're beautiful, which is true, they'll vote you and add you as their friend. Trust me. :D

Last edited by ' 'eMokIdD (2008-06-03 15:01:06)

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