2008-07-07 10:06:31

Shim Oo-Ma
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

[spoiler][quote=Powerfulkids]for : DeverKerbill are you female or male ?[/quote] [quote=DeverKerbill]Male,dit... yu see me everyday but why'd yu ask tat question?[/quote] LOL. Both of you are classmates.amf. [/spoiler] -- [u][b]TOPIC[/b][/u] Imma mention all of my crushes who were on my list since i registered here in friendsterTalk. [b]GIRLS[/b] [spoiler]Nela Joebs Ayei Bianx Duches Yuna Ize Kym Leigh Ini Shine Shy Aya 1 Aya 2 Keemee Bebe Nina Ceii Grace April Lois Weng Meng Baby Faith Maye Allaya Linniie Joanna Khine Eney Abe Tinay Bridget Yanyan Andrea Emlodee Louiz Trix Push Ice Cheuw Chariz Angeli Gemandi Dominik Rose Kimyasay Nicey Tricia Philixre and errrr.... m2m :lol: [/spoiler] -- [b]BOYS[/b] [spoiler]Owner Rap Harvey Tunie Cip Joe Vitz Cloud CK Ito Shirow Bob Karuro Ayel Shak My Emman Chester John Carlo Jan oppa Dondon James Shave Derick Marjan and ADMIN :rose: [/spoiler] :o

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