I confess...
...that I dunno if I should take the [b]UPCAT[/b] exam this Saturday or just wait until teh Ateneo exam thingie comes along, since I don't really want to miss an ncae review class this Saturday....
...that I'm making some damn [b]resume[/b] right now
My friend convinced me to apply for the [u]foreign exchange student[/u] program (to japan \m/ ) ...
Thing is...our technician installed the 2007 version of MS office in my PC, and now I'm getting all confused while typing in MS Word
...that I'm starting to loev [b]Statistics[/b] although I'm not very good at it
...that [b]I really want to be a sophomore[/b] again. It's the best year evarrr. \m/ And lots of things happened during my sophie year, woo.. It's as if it happened only last year....