[b]I Confess[/b]:
[quote]• I'm currently listening to [i]Take a Bow[/i] by Rihanna. I'm getting in loev with ett. Huwee~ I can't believe it. LOL, my classmates kept asking why did I liek pop songs already. Nyahaha~ Just told them, because I kept listening to the pop songs they kept playing in the class. Well, it's true. Wahakhakhak~

• I was so depressed yesterday. Huhuhu, Because I saw both of them in school getting sweet with each other. Waah~ Ouch!! I felt liek I want to die already, seriously. Hahays, I haet ett!! </3
• My couz told me a story about her & her BF yesterday. It was so romantic. I wish that it will happen to me too. Wahakhakhak~ I was so crazy yesterday because of that. XD[/quote]