2008-08-13 09:49:42

» FTalkAgent
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Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

[spoiler]Dang im having teh best day/week of my life :wallbash: I had only 4 or 5 hrs of sleep have to wake up early and i jst realized the saying "be careful wat u wish for cause u just might get it", liek just happend..now im not feeling damn well.. my headaches attacking agen and my "batok" is freakin hurting agen.. nd i cant complain abt it cus they will blame me being infront of teh pc..liek..hays..i wish it wudnt continue, id probably end up in a hosp agen..just liek last tym =| I went ol jst to check on sumthing, but, as i wished that it wud make me a lil bit better, it didnt :/.. i understnd it but..its too much :/ My mareh was online, good thing she was..and she was cheerful and in the mood, telling me stories..and its kinda making me better but, as stupid as i am, i let the fact that my head is hurting and me so being stressed out get to me and be so totally out of my mood that i think my bestfriend thot i wasnt enjoying our conve.. hays..it made her not in the mood too.. Im sorry mareh! :cry:, Im really sorry of the way i was acting awhie ago :cry::cry: [spoiler]i wana cry :|, but im scard it wud make my headache much worse and i might reli end up n teh ER :|, but i wana cry =|[/spoiler][/spoiler]

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