2009-01-23 17:23:41

» FTalkElite
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Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

meeei connfesss thaatt. meeei wwiill taaakee eaaccounnttingg eexaamaat 7:30 aandd meeii sttilll nott prerpaaredd czozz meeei ssoo lazzzy tooo sttuddyyiiiyy. meeeii llaaugh soo haardd booutt wwwhaatt meei thhinnkingg aaa wwhiile aggoo. meeie misss hiiimm baaddly.aanddd meeei waanntss hhimm baaccckk.. butt howww? meeei isss kindaaa neervvouuss ttodaaay.. meeei sssaiddd hee'ss maatraaay aandd thaat's trrueee. meeei jussstt wanna heelpp butt heei ssoo "mataaaryy afterrall".. andd meei jussst wannna saaayy thaat eventhougghh yeeerr mataray thaaatss prretty okkeeei cozzz ill bee mattaaaraayy too iff thaaat's theee caasee.. hihi xD kiddin.. yeeer nnott.. :P meeei noott ovverr yeet wiitth thhee allieeenn lingggo soo iff youu thinnk meeei possst iss wrrongg grammar anddd all.. yeerr wwrroongg. ccoozz meei haasss myy onnlyy liingggo. haha xD [quote=MiNEKOARCH]♥ I cried so hard earlier. My eyes were turning a bit red. * Weird eyes. ((: O_________o But thank god, Dess was there. (; She gave me some advices about my confused mind and feelings. I love her to death. anyone who'll hurt her, shall die. :disgust:[/quote] hahaha. tnx to me? what have i done? o_O except being the uhhh.. "labasan of katarayan" of YOUR kent. he's so "mataray" after all. peace dude. hehhe. but.. yeeww alwaays welcum/ im gonna kill you both. hah :PILYILY :penguin: :penguin: :penguin: :penguin: :penguin: :penguin:

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