I really can't reply in the thread in the pinas section coz it seems they're just beating around the bush, putting situations, people even God! talk bout respect. I really can't understand the posts. It's like reading a novel of a a 2nd grader

with the kind of words and all.
anyway, i just posted at the backstage. And from now, i'll concentrate on my blog which i haven't been giving too much attention lately.

Lately moderators are being evaluated intentionally by members. They are getting mad on the closed topics especially in the Philippines section. The moderators have clearly stated through a sticked and locked topic in that section their reasons why they closed such topics.
Yet, members seem to not understand the moderators. They even made a thread asking the members to rate/ evaluate moderators. "say whatever you say" basis. I suggested to move it to the feedbacks section if they intend to evaluate the mods but they said that it is better to post it there, so there's a part of me that says they just put it there for personal reasons, to criticize personally the mods, to pin-point. I know we mods are going uber strict most of the time. like before, but still the site's doing good. It's just these past few days that they started threads like that and all?
Ftalk's been loading slow these past few days so it's giving me a hard time in moderating and reviewing some threads. i dunno about you guys but when it really comes to ftalk it loads slow, unlike other sites.
We're not being paid here, but they're like expecting us to act as their servants, to clean all their mess. My point about being a moderator is not as a servant to clean every trash but to let others learn how to also clean up their own mess. Then why the hell am i wasting my time in this forum? Coz this is where i found good friends.
What I don't like is that some members don't appreciate a bit of what we're doing. it's like they're saying that they don't need us in that section. So with that, I guess it's not worth it to stay anymore with the rank MODERATOR under my name. I don't even freakin care how many posts i got or what would be my rank without the mod mask on.
As for the members, who keeps on saying that "You're a mod, you asked for that position," before some of them had registered here, FriendsterTalk's existing peacefully. If they like to be more superior to the mods, then why not apply for a supermoderator / global moderator job, co-admin or an admin?

Thanks guys for reading. I've poured my thoughts about this issue so i guess i'll be off now, since it seems they don't need mods. like me.

Have fun everyone
