2008-08-17 07:01:48

i i LeA i i
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

Here's the updated list of my crushee's... [b]Gals[/b] :arrow: ate tinay - as i said i lurve her eyes..(wootwoot!my kumare!:eh:) :arrow: ate gengskie - the sexy back..owhyeah!:eh: :arrow: sis mabel - the bangs rock!:D :arrow: sis ceii - she's so adorable and so pink.. :arrow: sis angeli - i lurve her colored hair..so brown..(am i ryt?:D) :arrow: sis chai - pweety ever.. :arrow: sis gemandi - so gorgeous.. :arrow: sis jhay - the cutest of all.. [b]Guys[/b] :arrow: baby cklarckiey - im just so totally in lurve with him.. :arrow: kuya carl - my 1st crushee ever here in ftalk.. :arrow: tjay - he's kinda sweet and i think he's adventurous.. :arrow: kuya cronixemo - jinkies!i just simply liked him coz he's so fwendly.. :arrow: derick - i just lurve his cute pix at fs..:eh:

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