2008-08-21 09:23:39

» FTalker
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Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

[quote=joebz]I crush--and miss--Ate Trix. IMYYYYY =([/quote] i miss u moar joebz :* @topic [b] Gorgeous Chicks[/b] [spoiler]forsakendoll | Aya | Giselle - she's liek an ate to me, though we haven’t talk often. I know lots of things about her especially when it talks about her love life. :wow: im happy for her.. :D shes in love again :wow: ;) Push | Normalsii | Norms - my very own norms ^_^.. I didn't expect we well be this close… and I’m really happy cause we are ^_^ though she had an issue with me before :lol: but it doesnt matter anymoar.. ^_^ i never regret the time we first talked because that day we became very close.. She's soo nice and soo easy to get along with.. she really makes me happy when im depress.. she boost up my confidence :lol: i really have a nice time talking with her, i never get bored when we talk, we always have something to talk about.. im so glad we became friends, a very close friend ;) i loev you normssss!!!! Duchesz | Pop - my pop!! i really miss this girl.. im so happy we became close.. she's liek a sister to me.. she shared lots of things to me though it is quite personal :lol: and i also shares some secrets to her.. :D i never had a dull moment wif her.. we never run out of things to talk about (gossips, secrets, problems, and some personal things :lol:) i really love my pop soo muchies ^_^ hope she wont chage ^_^ Nina - she's pretty and really got a lovely voice.. she's nice and approachable.. we havent talk often but im happy were friends ^_^ Uma | Ming - she got a pretty face and a very sweet voice.. i love my ming super ^_^ Nela - she's like a Cinderella under mii umbrella ela ela eh eh hahaha.. shes really nice ;] she's crazy, funny and cute ^_^ joebz - she's nice to me.. i miss this girl ^_^;) ate shika - she's so approachable.. she wont let you feel that your out of space. I like her very muchies..:wow:[/spoiler] [b]Hot Hunks[/b] [spoiler]Rapidoh__ | Shiiittt - he's so HOT =D he's funny and cool ^_^ yet he's not pogi =D i kid shittttt of course you’re the man!! every woman's fantasy..:puke: ow common.. :lol: i loev you shiiittt!!! Tunie | Heartii - my norms husby ^_^.. honestly i got crush on him before.. ^_^ he's so nice and approchable.. :D he sings good.. :rolleyes: he's gentle and he's just fine :p.. hmm one thing is for sure.. he loevs push ^_^ Xave - i crush him for no reason.. ow yes he sings very well.. :wow: Ephemeral - he's nice and definitely cool ^_^.. and he sings well too.. ^_^ :wow: Harvey - he's really cute :wow: he's funny and nice to talk with ;) Shirow - im scared of him before i thought he was really strange but i was mistaken.. he's nice and.. he's CUTE :eh:[/spoiler]

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