2008-08-30 06:37:01

Rei Ryuzaki
» FTalkElite
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Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

[spoiler][quote=misz.faith]Rei Ryuzaki-(Lil Bro)his works are improving. .cool!very nice workx. .[/quote] [sup][b]>[/b] geee,sankyu sisz Faith :wow:. you worx[gfx] is great. i admire ur worx sisz![/sup] [quote=deathsiren]Rei Ryuzaki He's a cool guy. I think he's younger than me? But yeeah, he's cute and also nice.[/quote] [sup][b]>[/b] yeah,i'm younger than u sisz. ahaha :P.[/sup] [quote=triciabianca]Rei Ryuzaki LOLS. I haven't seen this guy before. :lol:[/quote] [sup][b]>[/b] lol,i think you already see me now :eh:,aha ..[/sup][/spoiler] [sup][b]@T[/b]: My Crushes[/sup] [spoiler][b]• anime_mania_01[/b]- she my only one best friends here at fstalk,[b]BFF[/b] :D. [b]• Bheiyah[/b]- my ultimate crush here :redface: :rose: harhar .. [b]• sugarstyx_x[/b]- she my sweetest sisters here at fstalk. she also nice & friendly :D. [b]• Kimizuki[/b]- wee,i really crush this gurl eyh,she so cute :wow:. [b]• Triciabianca[/b]- a very [s]cute[/s] kawaii japanese gurl :wow:. [b]• Louiz[/b]- she cute & also a nice person ;). [b]• ♥brains&beauty♥[/b]- my [b]BESHY[/b]. she so helpful =). she a kind person in de world =D [i]lol[/i]. [b]• MiNEKOARCH [/b]- she a nice friend of mine :wow:. [b]• deathsiren[/b]- pweetty gurl. popular gurl here :wow:. [b]• lady_end & charm_caster0604 [/b]- they both friendly & nice ;). [b]• Philixre/Lovelee[/b]- she cute & fun to chat/be with. lolz :P. [b]• Mod. Tinay[/b]- she have a beatiful face. she so kind to me :wow:. [b]• Aya/Forsakendoll[/b]- she have a pwetty face & really gud in making layout :wow:. [b]• obsessed95/Chariz[/b]- she really gud in making gfx. she also have a cute face :wow:. [b]• RossVolturi[/b]- she rock =D\m/! [i]lol[/i]. [b]• Chiny.12[/b]- she really kind to me & she my nicest friend here :D [i]lol[/i]. [b]• butterflyprincesz & /*/love.ceii/*/[/b]- this two gurl[s] is xo friendly :). [hr][hr][hr] [u][sup]Added:[/sup][/u] [b]• misz.faith[/b]- a nice & pwetty sisz ;). [b]• malow[/b]- she a nice/good friend of mine :D.[/spoiler]

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