2008-08-31 08:56:52

» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

Replies: [spoiler][quote=ninafaye]:redface: Wow! Thanks. I Crused The MOD Above Me. ^^^ :redface:[/quote] Thanks nina~ I vOted already on the link. hope you win! aja! [quote=*kim-a-holic]Bob, Harbs, Nix, Shirow, EJ, Ayel, Karurs[/quote] :redface: Aww, my crush since 2006. I'm so happy to be on ur list. [quote=eney0715]• Boys.. kuya Jay, kuya Guile, Kuya Jesse, kuya Jie, kuya Allan, wuuft.. Bob.. :redface:[/quote] Thanks also eney, feels great to be on ur list, the others are such great guys and i'm just a nobody. Thank you so much.. [quote=icekandi]My Labtim: Lucknskill[/quote] Thanks labtim :kiss: Another caramel dansen wif ice ice baby? :eh:[/spoiler] Topic: [spoiler]Hanzel~! <-mi ultimo crushio Nina~! <- the youtube singer Tricia~! <-sweet girl of the forum Grace~! <-the pier girl Ninafaye~! <-gave me 4 sigs! ty so much Maye~! <-the eyecatching model Aya~! <-managed by the youtube singer kyulaTrixia~! <-now with a letter T haha Eney~! <-Still getting to know her Tinay~!<-the best mod evar[/spoiler] :redface:

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