2008-09-05 10:36:02

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

[quote=chillemae]:thumbsdown::thumbsdown:C DarreLL:thumbsdown::thumbsdown: yuNG prince charming namIN... HAHAHAHHA:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:[/quote] Please avoid using sTiCkY cApS. And, avoid speaking in Tagalog except in Regional boards. =) [b]:arrow: REPLIES:[/b] [spoiler][quote=jieduck]Wow! thanks, sis! :rose::rose: I chrush you too. [i]One of the very few who really notices me.[/i] God bless olwez and kind regards. Keep safe, Kuya Jie[/quote] What's not to notice??? You're a very helpful member and you deserve some attention. =) [quote=Trixx.xii]Brains and Beauty i dunno her true name but im impressed wif her message. :wow:[/quote] Haha. Lawliet. :lol: I'm Joanna. ;) Thanks for adding me to your crushlist! :wow: [quote=Nahz.Is.Fab]I also had a crush on [b]♥brains&beauty♥[/b] and yna_16. There one of a kind pweety gurls too. <3[/quote] Thanks Nahz. :D Crush you back! :D [quote=pinkpunk]brains and beauty[/quote] Thanks for adding me to your crushlist! I'm Joanna, btw. :D[/spoiler] [b]:arrow: ADDED:[/b] [spoiler]♥ Philixre - Did I spell it right? Haha... Lawliet. :lol: She's a very nice gurl though I haven't really met her. :lol: Hope to know you moar~ ♥ Eney - A real headturner in FTalk! =) ♥ Pinkpunk - She seems like a nice person. Hope to know her better~[/spoiler]

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