2008-09-14 10:13:29

» FTalkElite
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Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

[spoiler][quote=cutest08]Blanchee-i liek her xo much~[/quote] [quote=eney0715]sis Blanchee[/quote] [quote=♥brains&beauty♥]♥ My Blanche / Echnalb - Haha, laabz your new username sis! She's a very sweet yet sensible gurl...[/quote] [quote=Nahz.Is.Fab]Ehcnalb - I love her worx too. She's also a good friend. <3[/quote] [quote=Trixx.xii]Blanche | Ehcnalb IIIIIIIIIIIIMMMMMMMMMMMMYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! Hope to talk wif yaa again blanche.[/quote] [/spoiler] Aw, iLoveYou all! =D ThankY for mentioning me (: [b]CRASHES [/b] :lol: [spoiler][i]Gels[/i] MabeL - let it.. VAIN! hahaha XD MaLow - good, good friend =p AngeLi_7 - omfg << ffffffffriendly to the 10th power! (haha) Lynn - she's kewl :cool: Phia - i[s]Like[/s]LoveHer-- she's just.. fantastic! Trixx - daaaaaaarn no communication at all! why oh why! (lol) =p AJ - prettastic! (pretty.fantastic) Bridget - bebbebebebebbeshtyyloev. Joanna - I'm one of her admirers :lol: she's just so sweeeeeeeeeeeet (: Andrea - IMY T-T Yuna - TRUSTWORTHY&FRIENDLY! yeahhh., just agree :eh: [i]Buis[/i] GuiLe - leader! Where's my burger???! :lol: :lol: :lol: Jie - ffffffffffffriendl[u]eh[/u] =D KieL - he's just WOW lol he's sooooooooooooooooper kind XD Kai - I adore his graphics! :drool:[/spoiler]

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