♥ I started to post my layouts again after a short hiatus.
♥ I'm learning German language now. Deymmm~ it's hard. I got tongue tied with their words.

♥ I memorized the first verse of Spring Nicht for about 2 hours and, I still can't sing it straight. How shameful.
♥ I will make simpler layouts starting today.
♥ I can't take my eyes off of my Plurk page. I can stare at it for days! LOOOOOOOOOL!
♥ I plan to sneak out tonight and go to Libis. I badly want to go out.
♥ I stayed up all night the other day just to watch Obama's Inauguration. The speech was OMG.

I gotta say, I'm impressed.
♥ I'm so vain I kept my FS profile tab open. Wtf!