hmmm still on marriage huh.,?
[spoiler]Aww what can I say.. Marriage now a days work like a bf-gf relationship. I wonder why many people find it easy to end up their marriage with the other person. I mean, for me marriage is like too sacred because it is not only the union between man and wife but their lives as well (did i get my point? aw
Anyway, for the least that I can say, it's good to know that there are still some people who preserve the sacredness in marriage.[/spoiler]
Live in:
[spoiler]about this situation, if we base it on the moral sense of it, it's not good. I mean, it is cutting off the sacredness of marriage. And the hardest part in live in rel'ships is the product of conception. They only get married the time where they have already a child.[/spoiler]