2008-08-16 01:38:41

» FTalkElite
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Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

wooot spam ^ :angry: -------------------------- [b][color=#CC99CC]Chai's[/color] [color=#FF0099]Crush[/color] [color=#FF99CC]List[/color] :lol: [/b][spoiler][b]hoho im tired searching my crush list :lol: This is my new Lineup.. :lol: [/b] [b][color=#FF0099]Kristina16(popsicle)[/color][/b]- the uber kind mod in town =). her layouts are :wow: .effin nice to me,lurve sending me lots of quotations.hehe. i loev her soo much!! :wow: [b][color=#FF00CC]Forsakendoll[/color][/b]- wew the smexxy css queen. her layies always catches ma eyes. :O her looks are [b]STUNNING!! [/b] [b][color=#CC66CC]Duch[/color][/b]-shes nice to me alsoo.pretty.kind. i likes her layies too :wow: [b][color=#CC99CC]emlodee[/color][/b]- one the nice member here..co-rockstar.pretty of course.wanna know more about her ;] [b][color=#CC6699]Maye[/color][/b]- nice in making layies ;) .kind. of course stunning looks!! :wow: [b][color=#FF99CC]Nina[/color][/b]-shes one of a kind ;) pwetty.sexy. :wow: [b][color=#FF9999]joebz[/color][/b]- i dont know her but she seems nice. very helpful.i always roaming around at her tutorial thread. i loev her layies and sigiies :wow: ;] [b][color=#FF66CC]cheuw[/color][/b]-one of ma siisz,effin kind and nice to me and to other members.pretty too ;) hope to know her more.. ;) [b][color=#FF0099]Angeli_7[/color][/b]- the linker provider ;) .. i saw her pix in fs and her looks are :wow: =) eventho many member found her so mysterious..shes kind & soo nice ;) ..founder of Rockstars!! [b][color=#CC66CC]SiSTERS[/color] [color=#CC99CC]:arrow: ceii :rose: :arrow: jhay :rose: :arrow: dhen :rose: :arrow: eney :rose: :arrow: gemandi :rose: :arrow: brains and beauty :rose: :arrow: linniie :rose: :arrow: charm_caster0604 :rose: :arrow: black_eljoy :rose: :arrow: bheszt_19 :rose: :arrow: LOUISE.27 :rose: [/color] This gurlss are my sisters here i lurve them soo much :wow: ..like the way they loev mee. :lol: [/b] [b][color=#FF9999]Newest crush:[/color] [color=#FF6699]faith Rose icekandi triciabianca bianx UMA :rose: [/color][/b] [b][color=#339966]DA BOISH(its only a crush :rolleyes:) Harvii James Elisha James Karuro [/color][/b][/spoiler]

Last edited by 'AphrOdiTe' (2008-08-16 20:14:18)

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