2008-08-16 02:53:36

Infamous J
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

[quote=As cicatrizes]just take a guess.,xD[/quote] I already PM'd you with my best guess..... but I won't post it (just in case I'm right). =D =D [b]**Edited** hahahahahaha I was right. =D =D But, I will assure you again....I won't tell. I promise. :D [/b] [b]@topic[/b] [spoiler] [b]Angel[/b] ([i]Angeli_7[/i]) because she's funny and sensible, also a very cool and down to earth person. :D [b]Nina[/b] ([i]nina123456[/i]) because she's so sweet and silly. My first friend here in FTalk. And she makes funny videos. :D **Added** [b]Melody[/b] ([i]emlodee[/i]) because she's funny and fun to tease (she get's so defensive), my 3rd lil sis here in FTalk. :D [b]Rose[/b] ([i]fis.ms[/i]) another of my lil sis's. She's very funny also, and full of sense like Angel, but also very laid back and easy to talk to even in her apathetic modes. Also very fun to tease. :D ***[i]Deleted one crush[/i]*** [/spoiler]

Last edited by bhebhiej (2008-08-16 02:56:21)

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