2008-08-16 05:46:09

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

@ sis Ceii and Chai: I'm included in the girls list! hahaha :lol: btw, thank you sissy! miz you! :kiss: t: my crush as of now... [spoiler] [b]Girla-Loo[/b] sis ceii - my lovable and friendly sissy ;) sis jhay - cute, sweet, intelligent! :D sis gerlyn - sweet, cute and pinkaholic! ;) sis juliene funny, sweet! :D sis angeli - phunk, and sweet my ghemandhen - sweet and very beautiful! naks! :P sis eney - rockstar (i mis her) sis emlodee - my cute and sweet sissy sis zia- where is she?! i really mis her! :wallbash: mod tinay - a britney fanatic! a sweet moderator! sis lea - my hot and sexy sissy ;) [b]boylets[/b] jesse - my bro! friendly and funny! hahaha :lol: guile - my bro! a rockstar! a gamer and the only killahr in ftalk! ;) but there is only one person that very special to me! (secret) ;) and all mah sistah and bro here... i forgot the other... i miss you all! :kiss: [/spoiler]

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