I confess
[spoiler]I didn't tell my mom that camille was the one who lost the my jackett.
That jacket was expensive but whatevers. I still got in trouble thoughh.
She told me that im not going to sleep over anywhere if i cant get it back
Whats the big deal with it anyway? Its just a freaking jacket.
This weekend sucks. I dont wanna go shopping with my mom.
Shell just embarass me. Also I wanna go beach.
I dont wanna cut my hair. U kidding me? its takes long to make it super long.
My mom is really irritating. that bitch. I dont really care.
Not excited about school. I wanna go mauna kea and play snow.
Yay thatd be exciting at least i wouldnt be bored
I wanna make snow angels and play like a kid xDDD
No confe yesterday. made me sad lolwut?
Some of the members grammars here make me lauggh.
But sometimes im in wrong grammar too
which makes me laugh to myself. lol loser.
I hate it when people shows off. Like my bro in law does
He's ugly and fat. he thinks he has all this muscle and everything
But its all FAT. i know im sounding mean but thats the truth
hes irritating but i dont react i never say hi to him.
showing off is his thing . But he actually has NOTHINGG so showw off.
he bought a car just to show off. he wasted his money
He barely afford it. lol. but whatever i hate that fat shit
this printe errorrrr is startingg to piss me off . every 10 minutes
this thing would pop out and i have to click.
