[color=#089bce] LMAO MAX

WAHAHAHA [/color]
[quote][quote]cutest08 wrote:
[b] arrow i confess that im xo disgusting to a person...she's b*tch...
and im xo disgusting to friendster graphics section.Grrrr..
full of spams and many wrong section..xo disgusting!!![/b][/quote]
ahh so you're saying that your are disgusting to a person and you are disgusting to graphics section too oh my i didn't knew how disgusting you are..

[color=#089bce] ^ yeah i think the correct term should be 'disgusted' because if it's 'disgusting' -- then you're the one who's disgusting lolx.. lolx someone is in a foul mood

I confess im so uber depress but heck.. i'm still doing the layie *sigh
For once i want a guy who knows what they have when they have me
but i still lurve him
