awh im alright now ate. although few moments ago. shirow and me are spoiled because of some things.

thanks for caring. =d

u're the best! walalaa~ ure my idol!
[b]1[sup]st[/sup] Confession[/b]
I confess I'm on my mood again. I'm so excited with the Summer Contest.
May the best win!
[b]2[sup]nd[/sup] Confession[/b]
My hunney and I are having a great-time chat now. XD
We talked about [b]GFC[/b]. There's so many members could join that club. [b]GFC[/b].
We have seen some names, and they're really fit into that group.

[spoiler] [b]G[/b]ays [b]F[/b]reaking [b]C[/b]lub : A Club for Hopeless Members.[/spoiler]
[b]3[sup]rd[/sup] Confession[/b]
I lurvee myself now.

I dont care about what other might said.
[b]He[/b] showed me the light. Walalaa~

[i]READ[/i] : [b]He[/b] as my hunney [b]Shirowkun[/b]
I lurvee you soo [color=red]<3333[/color]
Last edited by deathwish4MCR-freak-dude (2008-04-28 06:29:31)