[spoiler][quote=cklahrckiey]i confess i am an addict in this game called Cabal[/quote]
Lol yeah. Cabal rocks! \m/
[quote=--pUshnIt08--]I confess, unlike partner,uma and jobz, i dont hate hannah montana..I hate miley cyrus for those risky behaviors she has right now..But i dun hate hannah, i loev that show
Aw yeah. Its Miley Cyrus
. Lol amf.
- I'm so happy cuz' today is our 5th monthsary
- I really really LOEV my hair. Amf
I know i said this but i really loev it. I always wished to have a brown hair and POOF! I got it
- I loev my sig
- I'm excited on this coming Integration Day on Saturday
. Amf. I hope I'll not get wet liek last year
Last edited by 사랑해요UmA_loVe사&# (2008-07-18 15:08:43)