• » [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

[b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

I confess that im uber happy today, i've talk to [b]HIM[/b]. We talk a lot. I can't stop laughing when he was liek- :redface: Wakaka~ that is the first time i've saw him blush. He even signed out because im always sending "laughing emoticons". L0L'D. My day is complete with him. Loev him. [b]<333[/b] I confess that i loev the crazyness of my mamu camz. I'll never get bored chatting with her, she is soo funny. I loev her voice, it was soo nice. She even sings my fave song, and i was liek- 0H-MY, i effin loev her voice. :lol: I confess that i was about to play audition, but then i browse the net. L0L'D. What a mind i have, i've decided just to watch a video at youtube. :) // edited [b] Uma [/b] SIs cheer up, if you want someone to talk with, i'll be here for you :D

Last edited by triciabianca (2008-07-17 09:07:39)

» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

[spoiler][b]i confess[/b] im gonna sing in front of a large crowd tomorrow.. and im so not prepared!. i bet my co-singers are not prepared too :lol: :lol: wish me luck :disgust: [b]i confess[/b] my crusshiiee made me apol again today.. this must be my lucky day :redface: i hope to see him perform tomorrow. im really excited ;)[/spoiler]
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

^ Goodluck. ;) I confess.. [spoiler] • I miss ftalk particularly this section specifically this thread. :lol: and of course, eptokers. yeah, all of you. =) • I wanna be OL till midnight but I'm not feeling well. :doubt: • Honestly, I feel kinda lost here. I don't know what's what especially in egroup. :/ • Lastly, I'm still confuse of what he wants between us. Oppss, us? there's no us.. yet. :lol: [/spoiler]

Last edited by gemandi (2008-07-17 09:19:31)

» Banned
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

[b]@maye[/b] ow goodluck..hope you wont break their eardrums..joke!:lol: i confess.. [spoiler]:arrow:i was surprised by a new found friend..:lol:..we have "something" in common..:eh:.. :arrow: my bro told me that i looked like a power ranger on my ava! shit-ness :arrow: my stomach is aching right at this very moment..OMG call of nature..??[/spoiler]
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

[quote=kristina16]i confess im glad kuya jie and i are friends already.. feel at home kuya jie.. ;) i was trying to add you in fs but dunno yer eadd =([/quote] I CONFESS: I am now very happy. This isn't a lonely place after all. Thanks for accepting me as your friend. here it is: [spoiler]******@yahoo.com[/spoiler] -edited- bibidol already added=D God bless! @uma: don't be sad... we felt the same way, i guess, but look at me now...=D=D I'm happy now! God bless!

Last edited by jieduck (2009-06-01 08:54:09)

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

[b]I confess[/b] [spoiler] :arrow: I failed on something today, but I don't care... I can do [sup][b][i]*it*[/i][/b][/sup] again on Tuesday. :arrow: My friends started fighting today, I took a backseat since they were both just being dumb. [sup][i][b]*they were fighting over 40 pesos*[/b][/i][/sup] :wasted: :arrow: I will buy another mobile just so I can use both the sim cards ... [sup]I don't wanna buy them dual sim phones...[/sup] :arrow: I hate blind items ! I started one in school but now I'm in it and the blind item info was so off the real events. :rolleyes: [/spoiler]
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

[color=#999999][spoiler][i][b]Sis Uma.[/b] Don't feel sad. We're here for you. I also experienced that before. =([/i][/spoiler] [b]I Confess.[/b] [quote][b]1.[/b] Me`lhabzz him! Very much. This morning, he said "[i]I`Labyu[/i]" to me. Yiihii.. L0L. I'm so [i]kilig[/i]. Hahaha.. :wow: Then when it was the end of the test, he kept talking to me & he hugged me. Yiihii.. :wow: Waah! I'm totally blushing & running out of my mind here. I'm going crazy here. But I suspect/heard that he has a GF. Sigh. But I think he doesn't have anymore cause he usually stays with me in school. Yiihii.. XD [b]2.[/b] I can't breathe nicely. When I inhale, my back hurts so bad. Shucks. XP[/quote] [/color]
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

thanks gemandi and kuya raph :D --------------------------------- [b]i confess[/b] i wish i dont break the audience's eardrums :/ [b]i confess[/b] im glad my mom's going to the convocation in school tomorrow!. (for the very first time). waw. im happy :D
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

^^ i wish the whole class is there to witness you sing siszy.. btw, you mentioned we all have "tawagan" .. imma call you "punch" as in orange punch.. joek .. :lol: :D if its ok siszy? God Bless tomo! :eh: you'll sing in the confe next time aight... \m/ i confess.. :arrow: i LOLd much a while ago while looking at my mirror! i tried imitating someones smile and i cant do it. i looked like a clown. :o :lol: :arrow: i'll be having my prelims tomo and im so happy the coverage is not that long plus ive studied last week :D :arrow: i was shocked of my mareh's sig.. wakakaka~ so not like her :lol:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

I confess that i wanna change my ava- maybe i can work on it this week, but im not definitely sure about it. :wasted: Im soo busy this days. :| but though, i loev my caption =D [sup]L0L.em not devil[/sup] I confess that im going crazy, i dont want to sing but mamu, really can't stop pushing me- hope my connection will stop this 11:00pm-Phil Time. :lol: I confess that im lovin' some of my new friends. [b]<333[/b]
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

I confess I want to kill two people tonight. I want to pierce their fingernails, snap each nail into two pieces, hang them upside down, burn their hair and scalp, shave their legs and arms, and chop them into pieces!!!111!!!11![shift+infinite1111]
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

^ oh wow joebz.. :penguin: i confess,, im really :redface: <-- not inloev but really shy.. :lol: coz my friends are teasing me about the video i made on youtube.. :lol::lol: ROTFLMAO wahahahaha... now they're calling me hollaback girl.. :lol: and i really LOL'd hard when harvii showed me a picture... :penguin: (hint: its about my video) :lol: :lol:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

[b]Nine [/b] wakiwkiwkiwkiw~ i saw that too =D [b]Joebz[/b] :o WTF?! are you ok sis???? need help? :lol: joking. imy =( i confess.. :arrow: i missed sis ice, sis joebz, aya (alliana) :arrow: im researching a journal. dang :wallbash: i cant find a good one.
Infamous J
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

[quote=forsakendoll][b]i confess[/b] that I'm glad I talked to [b]Jesse[/b] -- He shared wif me [b]Serj Tankian's[/b] (lead vocalist of System) solo album and I was practically mesmerized with teh music lyrics. I'm currently downloading all teh songs from Elect the Dead album. :thumbsup: i loev [b]SOAD[/b] <333[/quote] [b]Told ya it was a good album =) :D Now I just gotta get you to listen to Pharoahe Monch or Immortal Technique :lol: :lol:[/b] [b]I confess.....[/b] [spoiler] that I don't know where my lil sis went....she "left me ol" .....wonder if same rules apply to her as they do to me when I "leave her ol" ? =D that I still don't want to drink (although it sounds better today than it did yesterday) Is that a sign? :paranoid: that Rockstars lost another member since yesterday....we added 2, then lost 1. =| that I'm wondering where the hell everybody on my YM list is at?? :rolleyes: that I'll confess more later =D[/spoiler]

Last edited by bhebhiej (2008-07-17 12:54:50)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

I confess that I hate being such a bored girl most of the time. I confess that I cannot forget a guy I know for a year and we never even [b]talked[/b]. I confess that I hate the place where I live. I confess that I'm scared to go to sleep because I keep watching to much horror and paranormal shows and movies. I confess that I like watching some cartoons.
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

[align=center][i][b]-- Start Of Confession -- [/b][/i][/align] [spoiler] I confess, I had a good day today..I dunno, i just had fun..tho ive tot of things..sum things..hhahahah.. I also confess, my feelings are growing more deeper for [b][sup]him[/sup][/b] lols..I jst worry bout things someitmes :P I also confess, Im now thinking of confessing sumthing to someone =)[/spoiler] [align=center][i][b]-- End Of Confession -- [/b][/i][/align]
Infamous J
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

Hayyyzzz [b]I confess.....[/b] [spoiler] [b]that[/b] I'm drinking again. =| :rolleyes: [/spoiler]
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

i confess im really happy talking to my baby/anak... ;) =) i lve her so much!! ;) i confess...im worried about what happened yesterday... haiz...:paranoid::rolleyes::D i confess im using my laptop now..haiz... i dunno whats wrong with the desktop pc...but since i cant wait... im using it again... haiz... thank God i do have a laptop...coz if i dont.. :crybaby: id probably just go back to sleepor do somethin else coz i cant go online...huhu...=(

Last edited by kristina16 (2008-07-17 18:57:10)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

i confess [spoiler]they still think that im a girl .. :wasted: [/spoiler] today is the day (july 18) earthquakes? niahaha .. im uber excited!! =D
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

haha yer so pretty lolo emo! ;) aehehe oops... :P kiddin... [quote=♥~rocker.baby.LOUIZ~♥]2. I can't breathe nicely. When I inhale, my back hurts so bad. Shucks. XP[/quote] awww..... take care sizz.... otei.... i confess i hope my babycke mandi will somehow feel better....saw her confession... shes not feeling well... next time anak.,.bring an umbrella...ella ella eh eh eh ahehe ;) yabyu.. i confess...i added kuya jie na... ;)
  • » [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

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