I confess I went to SM with Kevin, Joy and Cora [i]again[/i].
I saw Engineering [Jake], I thought his course is engineering, but I'm freaking wrong. He's also taking up BSIT. Shame on me.
[spoiler]I ignored him first, but he went back and asked me if I still have classes in the afternoon. He introduced his friend, Nikko to me. LOL. And ofcourse, I asked for his name, he's JAKE.
He held my hand. Cora and Joy were just laughing since they knew I crush him.
He said I must greet him whenever I see him in Westneg. yay. we're now close.
[/spoiler] I confess I love my barkada especially Wayne.
I confess I don't think I'll transfer to lasalle next semester. It's freaking hard to leave WNU.
I confess I'm sleepy but I'm still in front of my computer uploading pictures in friendster.
Last edited by '-'LoisFuLL'-' (2008-07-18 10:27:20)