[color=#999999][b]I Confess.[/b]
[quote][b]1.[/b] I feel so bad about myself. I left the Rockstars & I don't know why. Sigh.
I know that they're [kind of] mad at me.

I really really really feel bad about myself. What kind of friend/co-grouper am I?! Sigh. [i]Message for them:[/i] Hope you guys aren't mad at me. But if you really wanna be mad, it's okay for me. I'm really sorry. Just a personal problem/reason. Sigh. Gomenasai. Hope we're still friends. I'm really a bad group member. I know that your think that way. Sigh. But it's alright for me if you guys are. IMY.

[b]2.[/b] Today was a very boring & hard day. We had an Achievement test today & there's a big Algebra part, which we didn't even study about yet. Sigh. It's really hard. & While it was break time, it was so boring! We're not allowed to chit-chat with our seatmates & friends & we are not allowed to play around. We were just sitting down, staying quiet, not doing anything, etc. Sigh. I really felt sleepy! XP
[b]3.[/b] I missed him very much today! He was so far from me. First time to be separated in seats from these past few months. LOL. I'm so addicted! Ghad. XD[/quote]